Name of the Investigator Title of the project Duration Amount sanctioned Funding Agency
Prof. S. Duraisamy "Comparative Energetic of chosen Arthropods" 2 years 10, 000/- UGC
Dr.T. K. Renganathan "Studies on Ascidians of India" 2 years 6,000/- M.K. University
Dr. K. Sampath "Studies in induced spawning & larval rearing of chosen Paenaid Prawns." 3 years 83,000/- ICAR
Dr.C. Veerabahu
Technology development for mass production of the midge fly larvae for serving as live feed to cultivate fin and shell fishes
2004-2009 3,31,760/- ICAR
Dr.D.Radhika Technology development for mass production of Artemia culture in Tuticorin Salterns. 2009 - 2012 15,61,200/- DST
Dr.D.Radhika “Isolation characterisation and development of immuno stimulants against fish pathogen from somesea weed in gulf of mannar coast” 2013-2017 Rs. 13,93,300/- UGC
Dr.C. Veerabahu “Systematic evaluation of floating Fern, Azolla as a feed ingredient in Practical diets of commercially Cultured carp fishes.” 2013-2017 Rs.11,48,300/- UGC
Dr.A.Murugan “Seaweed nutraceuticals as a natural iodine supplement for iodine deficiency disorders (IDD)” 2017-2019 Rs.3,85,000/- TNSCST
Dr. K. Sampath Hybridisation in penaeus monodon and Penaeus semisulcatus by spermatophore transplantation 1994 Rs. 4,97,473 DBT